
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Any length you can swim, I can swim faster

The good:

Well hello number 6, haven't seen you in a while!
Whole Foods Market - my pay day treat - it's like the Narnia of supermarkets.

The bad:

Dried figs you are so delicious but why must you have so many calories? You make me sad :(

The ugly:
A goat in a swimming costume!

Haha, but at least I went for a swim, and it does seemed to have eased my knee a bit. Also there was no sign of this 'SwimFit' business I expected, I thought there would be an instructor or something? Anyhoo I just got on and did 36 lengths - that's 1188 metres in "one of the largest pools in London" FYI.

Tomorrow - a dreaded morning run (as I'm going out after work). Will I make it? Will I die trying? Will the world end if I get out of bed earlier than 7? Who knows....

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