So today I had rather a frustrating morning at work. And unfortunately was also stuck between other frustrated people who took it out on the nearest goat they could find.
As I was also tired (I'm rubbish at sleeping during acceptable night-time hours) my first thoughts were "Eurgh, Latte and Chocolate Croissant NOW."
Fortunately I had a very busy afternoon which prohibited me from buying said things AND gave me the chance to think: "AHA! When I am tired and frustrated I eat and drink rubbish things. I must remember and correct this emotional food pattern in the future!"
Yes, it sounds both self evident and cheesey, even I want to laugh at myself, but guess what goat fans - I am proud of myself for actually recognising a pattern in my eating instead of just robotically "quaffing coffee" (try saying that in a New York accent). So there.
So I think the title of this post is basically a good mantra for the future, no?
Goat love for now x
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