
Monday, 4 February 2013

The end of January

And so another month passes in another year and I edge ever closer to the grave...but in less melodramatic news my legs hurt from running and body pump which must be a good sign.

So how has month one of year 2013 gone? Let's take a trip back through the blurry mists of time to my 2013 goals and see how they are going:

Weight loss
I have not yet achieved goal one (180lbs) obviously and I'm in the same place I was in three weeks ago. At least it's not a gain.
Lesson? Keep trying, stop buying big packs of things and saying "I'll only eat one now".

I did not attend a local park run last month, to be fair I did neeeearly go one week, but then I stayed in bed. I have started running again and it feels GREAT. I am offically un-mentally fatigued from half marathon training.
Lesson? Get off your bum on Saturday mornings.

Non-running exercise
Have found a possible replacement for my current gym and attended loads of three bodypump (strength) classes and also totally gone to the gym loads. Also I went to my first ever mornign gym class.
Lesson? Keep up the good work you legend.

Bought a sketch book. Haven't used it. Have booked a sewing dress-making class. Good progress.
Lesson? Fill that sketch book like a boss!

Haven't even spoken any German, let alone a class or starting a new language.
Lektion? Eine deutschsprachige Gruppe oder ein Kurs finden. 

Erm, nope. Although my parents have suggested I go with them to Tobago this month. Unfortunately I already have plans and, although I love them dearly, a week with my parents and aunt and uncle would drive me insane. Dad has offered me air miles for a city break this year though (he runs all his entire business through a card that collects air miles = super air miles for all!)
Lesson? City break in February?

Trying hard with this and doing better than I have done. Although arguably this blog would have posts a lot more frequently if I wasn't trying so hard on the sleep front.
Lesson? Sleep when you are tired, seriously, listen to your body. Do not sleep all weekend and destroy your pattern.

Ahahahaha my room is a tip at moment. Massive pile of laundry was on my bed last night (I was at my parents') and my friend came over for superbowl and crawled under that pile of clothes to sleep. Poor boy!
Lesson? Don't say we can have the superbowl at our flat when you won't be here. Put a weekend aside for side-table painting in Feb, ok this weekend then.

I will report back on Virtual Training Group week 2 in a post tomorrow I think. Exhausted from running Saturday and Sunday then body pump today. Let's just say, week two is not great news but it's not a wipe out.

Toodle pip.

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