
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

In which I get told off at the gym

So today my body taught me a lesson...

and then a gym instructor gave me a lecture...

OK body, I get it, no crisps before the gym! (Yes I should have known that already but coldness and hunger led to poor choices...sorry body)

It had been a long day at work, got a couple of big things out of the way and was happy to get out to my street dance class to relax a bit. But this week was not the week for relaxing, oh no no no. Our instructor was in the mood to push us hard so instead of the usual, learn a bit, watch a bit, copy a bit, it was BAM learn this BAM do it, now do it again faster!

Although dance classes like these are awesome (the class pace varies a lot from week to week), I was kind of hoping it was going to be a slower song this week so I could do some running afterward, but I ran anyway. Big mistake.

So, tired and sweaty from dancing, I made my way to the treadmill, convincing myself to do the second mission on Zombies, run!. This was fine until about 20 minutes in when I started to feel slightly queasy. A bit odd as I very rarely get nauseous, even after insane workouts. I slowed down to a quick march and finished the mission, then slowed down and stepped off the treadmill...

"oh god, I'm actually going to throw up"...two steps, deep breath...two more steps...

I shuffled across the gym floor hoping I'd make it to the changing room, jaw clench, stomach contents rising, and an instructor eventually approaches (it feels like everyone in the gym is staring at me by this point)...

"Erm, I feel a bit sick".
"Right lie down, feet up against the wall."
"Is it your first time here?"
"Er, no." (Erm, actually I've been a member for a year and I've run a half-marathon, so put that in your first timer pipe and smoke it!)
"Right, have you eaten something today?"
"Well...(don't admit to the crisps, do not admit to them)...I think I had some crisps a bit too soon before coming."
"CRISPS?! Crisps aren't fuel! How can you expect to get results by eating CRISPS!"
"Er, well yeah, I know"

So he did go on to, more gently, give me his name and tell me I should find him on the gym floor if I felt ill in the future. But oh god the shame. Why did I eat the crisps? Why didn't I just say I'd had a banana?! Why didn't I lambast him for calling me a first timer?!?!

Fortunately I am now fully recovered and had a nice dinner (which involved potatoes in another guise).

Lesson: don't eat crap before working out or that crap will come back to haunt you/haunt the gym floor.

Anyone else ever had any near vom misses or other shameful gym moments?

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