Today was the last day of my year's gym membership, and I didn't even go to the gym!
The incident yesterday upset my stomach a bit more than I thought. Couldn't sleep well last night due to feeling a bit off then felt a bit weird all day and decided not to push myself when in a weird state.
To be honest I'm a bit nervous to be gym-less (who am I?!). I've been awesome at getting to the gym so far in 2013 and now I have no gym on the way back from work, well, hopefully I won't have no exercise on the way back from work!
On the other hand I'm excited to break free of the oppression of the chain gym and explore what other gym classes are out there i.e. I'm excited to go to Frame and be a megacoolandslick dance star, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I love dance, but oh wow I'm bad at dance haha.
This weekend Frame have a Basic Barre a Beginner Music Video class on Sunday. I'm intrigued by Barre but more excited by Music Video, hmm. At the moment I think I will try Barre out of intrigue and do the Music Video one next Wednesday.
Other places on my class "to investigate" list are Golden Lane fitness centre in the Barbican, for some cheap classes, and the Runner's Yoga class (and possibly their other classes) at Good Vibes.
I will review places here as I visit them I guess and do comment with more London class recommendations if you see this!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
In which I get told off at the gym
So today my body taught me a lesson...
and then a gym instructor gave me a lecture...
OK body, I get it, no crisps before the gym! (Yes I should have known that already but coldness and hunger led to poor choices...sorry body)
It had been a long day at work, got a couple of big things out of the way and was happy to get out to my street dance class to relax a bit. But this week was not the week for relaxing, oh no no no. Our instructor was in the mood to push us hard so instead of the usual, learn a bit, watch a bit, copy a bit, it was BAM learn this BAM do it, now do it again faster!
Although dance classes like these are awesome (the class pace varies a lot from week to week), I was kind of hoping it was going to be a slower song this week so I could do some running afterward, but I ran anyway. Big mistake.
So, tired and sweaty from dancing, I made my way to the treadmill, convincing myself to do the second mission on Zombies, run!. This was fine until about 20 minutes in when I started to feel slightly queasy. A bit odd as I very rarely get nauseous, even after insane workouts. I slowed down to a quick march and finished the mission, then slowed down and stepped off the treadmill...
"oh god, I'm actually going to throw up"...two steps, deep breath...two more steps...
I shuffled across the gym floor hoping I'd make it to the changing room, jaw clench, stomach contents rising, and an instructor eventually approaches (it feels like everyone in the gym is staring at me by this point)...
"Erm, I feel a bit sick".
"Right lie down, feet up against the wall."
"Is it your first time here?"
"Er, no." (Erm, actually I've been a member for a year and I've run a half-marathon, so put that in your first timer pipe and smoke it!)
"Right, have you eaten something today?"
"Well...(don't admit to the crisps, do not admit to them)...I think I had some crisps a bit too soon before coming."
"CRISPS?! Crisps aren't fuel! How can you expect to get results by eating CRISPS!"
"Er, well yeah, I know"
So he did go on to, more gently, give me his name and tell me I should find him on the gym floor if I felt ill in the future. But oh god the shame. Why did I eat the crisps? Why didn't I just say I'd had a banana?! Why didn't I lambast him for calling me a first timer?!?!
Fortunately I am now fully recovered and had a nice dinner (which involved potatoes in another guise).
Lesson: don't eat crap before working out or that crap will come back to haunt you/haunt the gym floor.
Anyone else ever had any near vom misses or other shameful gym moments?
and then a gym instructor gave me a lecture...
OK body, I get it, no crisps before the gym! (Yes I should have known that already but coldness and hunger led to poor choices...sorry body)
It had been a long day at work, got a couple of big things out of the way and was happy to get out to my street dance class to relax a bit. But this week was not the week for relaxing, oh no no no. Our instructor was in the mood to push us hard so instead of the usual, learn a bit, watch a bit, copy a bit, it was BAM learn this BAM do it, now do it again faster!
Although dance classes like these are awesome (the class pace varies a lot from week to week), I was kind of hoping it was going to be a slower song this week so I could do some running afterward, but I ran anyway. Big mistake.
So, tired and sweaty from dancing, I made my way to the treadmill, convincing myself to do the second mission on Zombies, run!. This was fine until about 20 minutes in when I started to feel slightly queasy. A bit odd as I very rarely get nauseous, even after insane workouts. I slowed down to a quick march and finished the mission, then slowed down and stepped off the treadmill...
"oh god, I'm actually going to throw up"...two steps, deep breath...two more steps...
I shuffled across the gym floor hoping I'd make it to the changing room, jaw clench, stomach contents rising, and an instructor eventually approaches (it feels like everyone in the gym is staring at me by this point)...
"Erm, I feel a bit sick".
"Right lie down, feet up against the wall."
"Is it your first time here?"
"Er, no." (Erm, actually I've been a member for a year and I've run a half-marathon, so put that in your first timer pipe and smoke it!)
"Right, have you eaten something today?"
"Well...(don't admit to the crisps, do not admit to them)...I think I had some crisps a bit too soon before coming."
"CRISPS?! Crisps aren't fuel! How can you expect to get results by eating CRISPS!"
"Er, well yeah, I know"
So he did go on to, more gently, give me his name and tell me I should find him on the gym floor if I felt ill in the future. But oh god the shame. Why did I eat the crisps? Why didn't I just say I'd had a banana?! Why didn't I lambast him for calling me a first timer?!?!
Fortunately I am now fully recovered and had a nice dinner (which involved potatoes in another guise).
Lesson: don't eat crap before working out or that crap will come back to haunt you/haunt the gym floor.
Anyone else ever had any near vom misses or other shameful gym moments?
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
My first running date
On Sunday I met up with my friend L, who I haven't seen for aaaaages to go on our first ever running date!
So I knew it would be tough running with her, she's very much an all or nothing person so I knew she'd be fast but LITTLE DID I KNOW she's actually already built up to 15km (9 miles), whereas little old me has scaled back to 4 miles!
I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, when L really sets her mind her to something she seriously goes for it.
Anyhow she dragged me round a 4.7 mile river run, definitely upping my pace and forcing me to talk to her most of the way. And truth be told I had "such fun" as she would say AKA bare fun blad!
However one dangerous thought she's planted in my mind is doing another half marathon...and soon. In response to hergentle suggestion continuous arm twisting I'm going to see how I go with running this week (badly probably as I already skipped a run today because it's TOO COLD). If I can handle a week three level of the half marathon training programme I used before, I might just sign up for the Madrid Rock n' Roll half marathon at the end of April...OMGcan'tbelieveIjustwrotethatdownwhyamIevenconsideringthisbleeeuuuurgh!!!
Check with this very blog on Sunday to see just how mental I am. EEEK.
So I knew it would be tough running with her, she's very much an all or nothing person so I knew she'd be fast but LITTLE DID I KNOW she's actually already built up to 15km (9 miles), whereas little old me has scaled back to 4 miles!
I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, when L really sets her mind her to something she seriously goes for it.
Anyhow she dragged me round a 4.7 mile river run, definitely upping my pace and forcing me to talk to her most of the way. And truth be told I had "such fun" as she would say AKA bare fun blad!
However one dangerous thought she's planted in my mind is doing another half marathon...and soon. In response to her
Check with this very blog on Sunday to see just how mental I am. EEEK.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Now and then
Managed to turn my mood around yesterday by scoring a ticket to one of the sold out Sigur Ros London shows. Should be incredible.
But more importantly my work today reminded me how lucky I am to have my health and happiness and of the importance of using your own situation to improve other people's lives.
I hope that focusing on improving my own health and fitness for a while will give me the confidence to be that kind of person, someone who can help other people but in a way that is not detrimental to my mental or physically well-being. Hopefully that isn't too selfish a thing to ask from life.
ANYHOO back to less intense thoughts! Whilst I was running I was thinking how life has changed since I started running and came up with some fairly cool and amusing comparisons...
NOW:"OMG this is going straight on my running playlist"
Yes I am a terrible indie-loving-wannabe-hipster ;) but never thought my appreciation of music could be extended to a whole new category of "can I run to it". However new albums/aongs now get extra bonus shiny points in my mind for being run-able.
THEN: "Hey L, let's spend quality time getting drunk on Halloween"

That's me on the left...Jack Skellington style. L's costume was "some hot, dead lady" haha.
Fingers crossed we get places in the ballot! I am so excited for my second half marathon (whether this one or another) and hopefully running it through lovely, autumnal central London parks.
But more importantly my work today reminded me how lucky I am to have my health and happiness and of the importance of using your own situation to improve other people's lives.
I hope that focusing on improving my own health and fitness for a while will give me the confidence to be that kind of person, someone who can help other people but in a way that is not detrimental to my mental or physically well-being. Hopefully that isn't too selfish a thing to ask from life.
ANYHOO back to less intense thoughts! Whilst I was running I was thinking how life has changed since I started running and came up with some fairly cool and amusing comparisons...
THEN: "Great song"
NOW:"OMG this is going straight on my running playlist"
Yes I am a terrible indie-loving-wannabe-hipster ;) but never thought my appreciation of music could be extended to a whole new category of "can I run to it". However new albums/aongs now get extra bonus shiny points in my mind for being run-able.
THEN: "Hey L, let's spend quality time getting drunk on Halloween"

That's me on the left...Jack Skellington style. L's costume was "some hot, dead lady" haha.

Fingers crossed we get places in the ballot! I am so excited for my second half marathon (whether this one or another) and hopefully running it through lovely, autumnal central London parks.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
I was going to write about week two of my virtual training group (VTG) but instead I want to ask a question. Why?
Why do I tell myself I'm not hungry but go into Tesco and buy food anyway?
Why do I buy and eat food I don't even really want let alone need?
Why am I like this? Will I be like this forever?
Why can't I just be happy and healthy?
I hope one day I can look back on days like this and feel a success not a a complete failure like today.
Why do I tell myself I'm not hungry but go into Tesco and buy food anyway?
Why do I buy and eat food I don't even really want let alone need?
Why am I like this? Will I be like this forever?
Why can't I just be happy and healthy?
I hope one day I can look back on days like this and feel a success not a a complete failure like today.
Monday, 4 February 2013
The end of January
And so another month passes in another year and I edge ever closer to the grave...but in less melodramatic news my legs hurt from running and body pump which must be a good sign.
So how has month one of year 2013 gone? Let's take a trip back through the blurry mists of time to my 2013 goals and see how they are going:
Weight loss
I have not yet achieved goal one (180lbs) obviously and I'm in the same place I was in three weeks ago. At least it's not a gain.
Lesson? Keep trying, stop buying big packs of things and saying "I'll only eat one now".
I did not attend a local park run last month, to be fair I did neeeearly go one week, but then I stayed in bed. I have started running again and it feels GREAT. I am offically un-mentally fatigued from half marathon training.
Lesson? Get off your bum on Saturday mornings.
Non-running exercise
Have found a possible replacement for my current gym and attendedloads of three bodypump (strength) classes and also totally gone to the gym loads. Also I went to my first ever mornign gym class.
Lesson? Keep up the good work you legend.
Bought a sketch book. Haven't used it. Have booked a sewing dress-making class. Good progress.
Lesson? Fill that sketch book like a boss!
Haven't even spoken any German, let alone a class or starting a new language.
Lektion? Eine deutschsprachige Gruppe oder ein Kurs finden.
Erm, nope. Although my parents have suggested I go with them to Tobago this month. Unfortunately I already have plans and, although I love them dearly, a week with my parents and aunt and uncle would drive me insane. Dad has offered me air miles for a city break this year though (he runs all his entire business through a card that collects air miles = super air miles for all!)
Lesson? City break in February?
Trying hard with this and doing better than I have done. Although arguably this blog would have posts a lot more frequently if I wasn't trying so hard on the sleep front.
Lesson? Sleep when you are tired, seriously, listen to your body. Do not sleep all weekend and destroy your pattern.
Ahahahaha my room is a tip at moment. Massive pile of laundry was on my bed last night (I was at my parents') and my friend came over for superbowl and crawled under that pile of clothes to sleep. Poor boy!
Lesson?Don't say we can have the superbowl at our flat when you won't be here. Put a weekend aside for side-table painting in Feb, ok this weekend then.
I will report back on Virtual Training Group week 2 in a post tomorrow I think. Exhausted from running Saturday and Sunday then body pump today. Let's just say, week two is not great news but it's not a wipe out.
Toodle pip.
So how has month one of year 2013 gone? Let's take a trip back through the blurry mists of time to my 2013 goals and see how they are going:
Weight loss
I have not yet achieved goal one (180lbs) obviously and I'm in the same place I was in three weeks ago. At least it's not a gain.
Lesson? Keep trying, stop buying big packs of things and saying "I'll only eat one now".
I did not attend a local park run last month, to be fair I did neeeearly go one week, but then I stayed in bed. I have started running again and it feels GREAT. I am offically un-mentally fatigued from half marathon training.
Lesson? Get off your bum on Saturday mornings.
Non-running exercise
Have found a possible replacement for my current gym and attended
Lesson? Keep up the good work you legend.
Bought a sketch book. Haven't used it. Have booked a sewing dress-making class. Good progress.
Lesson? Fill that sketch book like a boss!
Haven't even spoken any German, let alone a class or starting a new language.
Lektion? Eine deutschsprachige Gruppe oder ein Kurs finden.
Erm, nope. Although my parents have suggested I go with them to Tobago this month. Unfortunately I already have plans and, although I love them dearly, a week with my parents and aunt and uncle would drive me insane. Dad has offered me air miles for a city break this year though (he runs all his entire business through a card that collects air miles = super air miles for all!)
Lesson? City break in February?
Trying hard with this and doing better than I have done. Although arguably this blog would have posts a lot more frequently if I wasn't trying so hard on the sleep front.
Lesson? Sleep when you are tired, seriously, listen to your body. Do not sleep all weekend and destroy your pattern.
Ahahahaha my room is a tip at moment. Massive pile of laundry was on my bed last night (I was at my parents') and my friend came over for superbowl and crawled under that pile of clothes to sleep. Poor boy!
I will report back on Virtual Training Group week 2 in a post tomorrow I think. Exhausted from running Saturday and Sunday then body pump today. Let's just say, week two is not great news but it's not a wipe out.
Toodle pip.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
VTG Week 1
Yesterday marked the end of the first week of my Virtual Training Group with PT Mollie and 13 other willing victims friendly participants (including a London-based fitness blogger I love, mainly because her life is wonderful, stylish escapism).
Thoughts so far?
Good for hitting the goals I've set.
Some really friendly, diverse and interesting people taking part.
I like the weekly recipe idea/inspirational thoughts so far.
One problem though is that my goals did not include me calorie counting AKA not eating too much, which I'm really struggling with. Although I lost 1.6lbs this week, I really think that was lucky fluctuation. Although I'm not going to change my weight loss goal to calorie based yet (24/7 calorie counting wears me out!) I think I just need to stay mindful that excess calories = not fulfilling goal no.1 = feeling embarrassed when I weigh in on Mondays.
One goal I am going to change is getting to sleep before 11pm, because jumping in bed at 10:50 and thinking "I am in bed! This totally counts!!" does not, in reality, count. So 11 is changing to 10:30pm.
Yesterday's stats (last week's in brackets 'cause I didn't blog them):
Hoping the small rise in body fat and loss in muscle mass are just ein kleiner blip (yep my adjectives come out German sometimes).
Anyone else struggling with darkness + rain + wanting to eat like it's time to hibernate?
Thoughts so far?
Good for hitting the goals I've set.
Some really friendly, diverse and interesting people taking part.
I like the weekly recipe idea/inspirational thoughts so far.
One problem though is that my goals did not include me calorie counting AKA not eating too much, which I'm really struggling with. Although I lost 1.6lbs this week, I really think that was lucky fluctuation. Although I'm not going to change my weight loss goal to calorie based yet (24/7 calorie counting wears me out!) I think I just need to stay mindful that excess calories = not fulfilling goal no.1 = feeling embarrassed when I weigh in on Mondays.
One goal I am going to change is getting to sleep before 11pm, because jumping in bed at 10:50 and thinking "I am in bed! This totally counts!!" does not, in reality, count. So 11 is changing to 10:30pm.
Yesterday's stats (last week's in brackets 'cause I didn't blog them):
Weight - 192.4lbs (194lbs)
% Body Fat - 29.5 (29.3)
% muscle mass - 35.4 (35.5)
BMI - 26.1 (26.3)
Waist - 33in (no change)
Hips - 44in (no change)Hoping the small rise in body fat and loss in muscle mass are just ein kleiner blip (yep my adjectives come out German sometimes).
Anyone else struggling with darkness + rain + wanting to eat like it's time to hibernate?
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
I can't dance
dance with you baby no more.
But more importantly I can't dance in my dance lessons. Most of the time I ignore this but today it just got to me.
Overall lesson here? Don't go to dance class when you're getting over a head cold that has made you feel constantly dizzy, coz spins plus zero balance equals fail.
When usually dancing I look at the chilled out professional dancer instructor lady and genuinely feel like when we grin at each other she gets that I'm saying "I know I'm bad, you know I'm bad, but this is FUN!". Today I got it into my head that it was just her saying "you are such an awkward giant, you seriously make my day with your laughable attempts at dance".
Truths: I am coldly, tired and just feel sorry for myself, and it is entirely me hating on myself not the instructor.
How I actually feel: I am a awkward giant loser.
Focus on the truths!!
But more importantly I can't dance in my dance lessons. Most of the time I ignore this but today it just got to me.
Overall lesson here? Don't go to dance class when you're getting over a head cold that has made you feel constantly dizzy, coz spins plus zero balance equals fail.
When usually dancing I look at the chilled out professional dancer instructor lady and genuinely feel like when we grin at each other she gets that I'm saying "I know I'm bad, you know I'm bad, but this is FUN!". Today I got it into my head that it was just her saying "you are such an awkward giant, you seriously make my day with your laughable attempts at dance".
Truths: I am coldly, tired and just feel sorry for myself, and it is entirely me hating on myself not the instructor.
How I actually feel: I am a awkward giant loser.
Focus on the truths!!
Monday, 14 January 2013
Virtually training
So after mulling over Paleo this week I have come to the conclusion I LOVE BREADY CARBS (omg I luuurve them). And I definitely have a problem with sugar. Though I think this mostly revolves around my inability to sleep.
So I've planned my meals this week to be Paleo and I'm just going to see how the sugar cravings go. I realised one of my favourite healthy snack bars - Nakd Cocoa Loco bar - is paleo (I think, it's gluten free but has oats) so that will be my go to when I get desperate!
Last week I was especially bad on the sugar because I got to three gym classes (includig bodypump and spinning, the pain) but consistently failed on the bed before 11pm plan so woke feeling like "GIVE ME CAFFEINE AND SUGAAAAAAR!" No surprise I lost zero weight thanks to this but my gym trips still get a mega-yay, especially because I discovered the Thursday Bodypump instructor is really friendly and pushes everyone in a non-intimidating/terrifying way, so I will be making an effort to gt to her class again.
I'm hoping to curbing the bad sleeping this week as to help with my accountability I'm starting a free Virtual Training Group (VTG) with PTMollie. Not something I've done before but I'm really hoping this will help bring focus to my weightloss and exercise goals that will continue on in to the rest of the year.
Mollie asked us to set 3 to 5 goals to work on weekly during the VTG (which ends 18th March) and reflecting on my 2013 goals I've set mine up as:
So I've planned my meals this week to be Paleo and I'm just going to see how the sugar cravings go. I realised one of my favourite healthy snack bars - Nakd Cocoa Loco bar - is paleo (I think, it's gluten free but has oats) so that will be my go to when I get desperate!
![]() |
0% wheat 100% om nom nom |
I'm hoping to curbing the bad sleeping this week as to help with my accountability I'm starting a free Virtual Training Group (VTG) with PTMollie. Not something I've done before but I'm really hoping this will help bring focus to my weightloss and exercise goals that will continue on in to the rest of the year.
Mollie asked us to set 3 to 5 goals to work on weekly during the VTG (which ends 18th March) and reflecting on my 2013 goals I've set mine up as:
1. Lose 1.5lbs a week (aka 14lbs by 18th March)
2. Attend one strength-based gym class a week
3. Get to sleep before 11pm three nights a week
4. Run three times a week
5. Walk to work 3 times a week
The walking to work thing isn't in my previous goals but something I really need to start doing as my work is an easy 40 minute walk from home (which is pretty good for a London commute) and I do feel like a lazy bum when I tell people I get the bus in the morning.
My stats for starting the VTG (using my body analyser scales and confirmed with online calculators) are:
Height 6ft 0in (obvs)
Weight - 192.4lbs
% Body Fat - 29.3
BMI - 26.1 (so near to healthy range!!!!!)
Waist - 33in
Hips - 44in (0.75 waist to hips ratio = low heart disease risk = #winning...if we ignore how large my hips are...all my junk is in my trunk, yay for pear shapes)
Not sure how this week is going to pan out as I'm currently sat on my bum at home, with an awful cold (my sinuses hate me!!) but I'll keep you updated...
Ever tried any form of online training before? I'm really excited for the accountability aspect and cheering others on!
Monday, 7 January 2013
Can I do it?
Should I do it?
Will I do it?
I just don't know!!
Erm what iz zis paleo buziness anyway my friend?
So basically you eats like a caveman, no grains, no refined sugars, no dairy, no alcohols. Basically you eats all the meat and all the veg.
I am now singing Paleo over the song to an old Cheerios advert. Because I am cool.
Should I do it?
Will I do it?
I just don't know!!
Erm what iz zis paleo buziness anyway my friend?
So basically you eats like a caveman, no grains, no refined sugars, no dairy, no alcohols. Basically you eats all the meat and all the veg.
I am now singing Paleo over the song to an old Cheerios advert. Because I am cool.
Pale-oats! Pale-corn!
Pale-rice and wheat!
It's nutritious and delicious
Pale-o-so-good to eat!
![]() |
Things that are allowed in the Paleo diet = not Cheerios. FAIL. |
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Drink, booze, sauce, alcohol
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[source] |
I'm abstaining from it this month.
Two main reasons why - monies and calories.
Also my mum wants to cut down for the calorie reason so we are showing each other some solidarity, AKA moaning at each other when we want a drink and coming up with nice non-drink alternatives (I had an absolutely fabulous apple juice the other night darlings).
P.s. I dreamt about drinking beer the other night...weird
P.p.s The whole trying to sleep at sensible times thing isn't going great, it's gone 5am and I have work tomorrow. Damn.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Hello 2013
So many delicious and delightful hopes and dreams for 2013, and only 12 months until the next year is upon us!
I will admit I may be having a "quarter life crisis". I blame my sister for threatening to travel overland to Australia this year, thus bringing a whole lot of thoughts to the surface....
"I haven't travelled enough! I can't wear a bikini yet! I can't travel without wearing a bikini! I like my job/London life do I really want to travel?! I just don't know blargh! scary! gah!"
So to alleviate myself of this fear and confusion, I've decided to pick out all the things I want to do/areas I want to work on this year and for each make three tiered goals, that I will return to monthly and tick off/revise where appropriate. The levels I have aimed these at are :
1. easyish (I just need to get off my bum and do it)
2. tricky (this will take some effort/organisation/it scares me a little)
3. hard and scary sh*t (self explanatory)
Let's do this! *gulp*
Weight loss
1. Get to sub-180lbs.
2. Lose a stone by my birthday (20 March).
3. Reach goal weight of 168lbs this year (12 stone).
1. Attend local parkrun once a month (ties in well with my sleeping goals as this is early Saturday mornings!)
2. Run a sub-60min 10k race.
3. Run another (hopefully sub-2.5hour) half marathon.
Non-running exercise
1. Find somewhere to replace my current gym - whether another gym or regular classes somewhere
2. Attend one strength class OR a new sport (or one I haven't done in ages) a month
3. Book a triathlon race (race can be next year but training must start this year).
Creativity - This definitely fell by the wayside in 2012!
1. Buy a sketching and writing book and finish it
2. Attend at least one sketching (scary) and sewing class (not scary but expensive)
3. Make a dress (that looks nice!) using my sewing machine
Languages - another passion that died in 2012
1. Start a German class/find a German speaking group
2. Start a new language (and decide which one!)
3. Go on holidays that involve me speaking German and the new language
1. Go to at least 3 cities in Europe I haven't been to before (including Paris, can include UK cities)
2. Arrange California trip with J OR (if J chickens out) organise first ever skiing trip with friends
3. During October sit down and have an honest conversation with myself about how work and life is going and if I want to start seriously organising a world trip/year in Australia
1. Be in bed and go to sleep at 11pm at least two week nights a week
2. Go to sleep at 11pm at least one night a weekend
3. Go to a pre-work exercise class
1. Paint side table
2. Buy a wardrobe
3. Move piano from parents' to flat
Now just to hit the Publish button...
I will admit I may be having a "quarter life crisis". I blame my sister for threatening to travel overland to Australia this year, thus bringing a whole lot of thoughts to the surface....
"I haven't travelled enough! I can't wear a bikini yet! I can't travel without wearing a bikini! I like my job/London life do I really want to travel?! I just don't know blargh! scary! gah!"
So to alleviate myself of this fear and confusion, I've decided to pick out all the things I want to do/areas I want to work on this year and for each make three tiered goals, that I will return to monthly and tick off/revise where appropriate. The levels I have aimed these at are :
1. easyish (I just need to get off my bum and do it)
2. tricky (this will take some effort/organisation/it scares me a little)
3. hard and scary sh*t (self explanatory)
Let's do this! *gulp*
Weight loss
1. Get to sub-180lbs.
2. Lose a stone by my birthday (20 March).
3. Reach goal weight of 168lbs this year (12 stone).
1. Attend local parkrun once a month (ties in well with my sleeping goals as this is early Saturday mornings!)
2. Run a sub-60min 10k race.
3. Run another (hopefully sub-2.5hour) half marathon.
Non-running exercise
1. Find somewhere to replace my current gym - whether another gym or regular classes somewhere
2. Attend one strength class OR a new sport (or one I haven't done in ages) a month
3. Book a triathlon race (race can be next year but training must start this year).
Creativity - This definitely fell by the wayside in 2012!
1. Buy a sketching and writing book and finish it
2. Attend at least one sketching (scary) and sewing class (not scary but expensive)
3. Make a dress (that looks nice!) using my sewing machine
Languages - another passion that died in 2012
1. Start a German class/find a German speaking group
2. Start a new language (and decide which one!)
3. Go on holidays that involve me speaking German and the new language
1. Go to at least 3 cities in Europe I haven't been to before (including Paris, can include UK cities)
2. Arrange California trip with J OR (if J chickens out) organise first ever skiing trip with friends
3. During October sit down and have an honest conversation with myself about how work and life is going and if I want to start seriously organising a world trip/year in Australia
1. Be in bed and go to sleep at 11pm at least two week nights a week
2. Go to sleep at 11pm at least one night a weekend
3. Go to a pre-work exercise class
1. Paint side table
2. Buy a wardrobe
3. Move piano from parents' to flat
Now just to hit the Publish button...
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Goodbye 2012
You were certainly a mixed year.
On the running and weight loss front I would say you were 80% awesome. I lost around a stone and ran (most of) 13 whole miles, boom tings!
And I did that in a year with two incidents of a hospitalised family member (both fine now thankfully), two crazy boy situations (crazy boys are a new experience for me) and the first year of my favourite job to date.
So what do I want from 2013?
Short answer: LOTS.
Long answer? I probably need another post to cover all of this... *breaks into a (less bratty) rendition of Veruca Salt's "I want it all" from Willy Wonka*
Anyhoo, for now 2013 so far equals sparklers!
On the running and weight loss front I would say you were 80% awesome. I lost around a stone and ran (most of) 13 whole miles, boom tings!
And I did that in a year with two incidents of a hospitalised family member (both fine now thankfully), two crazy boy situations (crazy boys are a new experience for me) and the first year of my favourite job to date.
So what do I want from 2013?
Short answer: LOTS.
Long answer? I probably need another post to cover all of this... *breaks into a (less bratty) rendition of Veruca Salt's "I want it all" from Willy Wonka*
Anyhoo, for now 2013 so far equals sparklers!
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Drunkenly waving fire sticks around - the best way to bring in a new year |
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