
Monday, 12 March 2012

Boy break

Never thought I'd be saying this, but for the purposes of focusing on my weight loss and fitness regime (ha! as if I have a "regime") I need a break from boys.

Or specifically I need to stop a) texting 'C' instead of doing anything else b) being addicted to okcupid c) going on dates with other boys on top of a) and as a result of b). Note: me and C are openly un-serious hence c) not making me a cheat in light of a).

So the above probably explains some of the tiredness I was complaining about in my last post (no just dating and texting not lots of getting jiggy in the small hours, or not too much anyway). However, it also contributes to the destruction of my goals in other ways. Here is how having boys around tricks me into not achieving my goals:
"Some boys like me, I must be thin enough...I'm going to eat chocolate!" - I am not losing weight just to get boys (that's only a small part of it ;) ).

"If I run today I will be too tired to see this boy tonight/tomorrow/in 4 days" - 'Hos before bros girlfriend, and by 'hos I mean myself, le goat girl, and by bros and I mean whatever boy I am talking about. If I'm too tired for them, eff them.

"Getting jiggy burns calories anyway" - How often have you got jiggy lately compared to going to the gym hmmm? What's that? You've not really got jiggy at all but have still not gone to the gym? I suspected as much.

In conclusion it's time to focus on doing the dirty, as in working up a sweat, as in going to the gym...what did you think I meant, you perverts?! :P

p.s. Yes I did use the term "getting jiggy" several times above. Deal with it.

p.p.s. I went for a run today, it was awesome, I'm going for another one tomorrow. I will let you know all the hot and sweaty details tomorrow - far more itneresting than my "love life" I'm sure!

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